A Guide to the Delphinium Flower Meaning & Uses

A Guide to the Delphinium Flower: Meaning & Uses

Delphiniums, more commonly known as larkspur, are tall and majestic blooms that have long been cherished as a symbol of summer’s vibrant beauty. 

These flowers are perennials that come in a wide range of colors and attract pollinators for a healthy and vibrant garden.

In this guide, we will discuss everything you need to know about their meanings, origins, and uses.

How did the Delphinium flower get its name?

The genus Delphinium got its name from the ancient Greek word “delphin,” which means “dolphin.” This is because the flower’s spur looks like a dolphin’s back.

What are the botanical origins of the Delphinium flower?

Delphiniums are native to the Northern Hemisphere. They come from the Ranunculaceae family and are short-lived herbaceous perennials that have tall spikes of flowers. 

Each flower has small central flowers called bees or eyes and a dolphin-like spur. They come in a wide range of colors such as white, pink, blue, purple, and red.

Do Delphinium flowers require a lot of maintenance?

Delphiniums can be high-maintenance plants, but don’t let that discourage you! 

They just need the right conditions to thrive well and bloom beautiful flowers, which we will be revealing below.

Do Delphinium flowers need shade or sun?

Delphinium flowers need full sun, but they can tolerate light shade. They thrive best when exposed to 6 to 8 hours of sun per day, with a preference for gentle morning and early afternoon sun.

When do Delphinium flowers bloom?

Delphiniums and their hybrids typically bloom during the summer season. If you still want them to bloom in late summer until early fall, consider pruning the flower stalks right after their first flowering phase.

What kind of soil do Delphinium flowers prefer?

Delphiniums thrive in well-drained soil with plenty of organic matter. They only have a preference for neutral to slightly alkaline soil. 

Fertilize them during the growing season because Delphiniums are heavy feeders.

When is the best time to plant Delphinium flower seeds?

You can plant Delphinium seeds at any time of the year, but spring or fall is the best time to do it because the soil will be warm and moist.

What do Delphinium flowers mean?

The Delphinium flower symbolizes joy, goodwill, and happiness. It represents positive communication and harmonious interactions and has been passed down through generations as a protective symbol to ward off evil spirits and negativity. 

Additionally, the Delphinium flower is the official birth flower for those born in the month of July.

What do the colors of Delphinium flowers mean?



White Delphinium flowers symbolize purity, innocence, and spirituality.

Recommended use: These flowers are perfect decorations for weddings and baptisms. They’re also ideal gifts to someone who recently gave birth or to grandparents for any occasion.



Blue flowers are rarely seen in nature, but this is the most common color of Delphiniums and is highly sought after for floral arrangements and gardens.

Blue Delphinium flowers symbolize grace and dignity. The lighter shades of blue also represent youth and achievement. 

They’re also associated with trust, new life, and remembrance.

Recommended use: Blue Delphinium flowers are the ideal choice when you want to offer support to someone significant in your life.



Pink Delphinium flowers symbolize love, romance, birth, and new life. 

Recommended use: These flowers are perfect for Valentine’s Day and anniversaries. 

They’re also an ideal choice when celebrating the birth of a daughter or granddaughter.



Purple Delphinium flowers symbolize beauty and regality. 

Recommended use: These flowers are a fitting floral gift when expressing affection and genuine appreciation for someone.

What did Delphinium flowers symbolize in various historical periods?

What did Delphinium flowers symbolize in various historical periods
Historical PeriodSignificance and Symbolism
Ancient GreeceIn Greek mythology, it was believed that Delphiniums came from the blood of a Trojan warrior named Ajax.

When he died, Delphiniums sprouted where his blood was shed and their petals were inscribed with "Ai," which means “alas” in Greek.

It was also believed that the goddess Thetis transformed Achilles into a Delphinium flower when he died to commemorate his bravery and heroism.

Old NorseIn Norse mythology, blue Delphiniums were seen as a symbol of love and missing someone.
Victorian TimesIn the Victorian era, Delphiniums were linked to openness.

This means having an open heart and perspective, being able to welcome new opportunities and experiences, and staying positive.

Medieval TimesIn medieval times, Delphinium was taken to ward off internal parasites, stimulate a healthy appetite, induce relaxation, and promote restful sleep.

It was also believed to have protective powers, which is why it was planted around houses to ward off evil spirits.

What are the cultural associations of Delphinium flowers?

What are the cultural associations of Delphinium flowers
CountrySymbolism and Significance
United StatesIn the United States, Delphinium flowers were traditionally used as a dye and as a means of expressing goodwill and joy to others.
EnglandIn England, Delphinium flowers are often grown in yards and sprinkled in bathwaters to serve as protection from ghosts.
ChinaIn China, the blue Delphinium symbolizes luck and fortune.

What are the spiritual or religious meanings of Delphinium flowers?

What are the spiritual or religious meanings of Delphinium flowers

In Christianity, the Delphinium flower is believed to symbolize the rebirth and resurrection of Jesus Christ. Its shape is believed to resemble the spire of a church, and the blue shade of the flower is associated with the sky and heaven.

What are the uses of Delphinium flowers?

What are the uses of Delphinium flowers

Delphinium flowers are not just beautiful and meaningful. They also have uses in medicine, gardening, and landscaping.

Can Delphinium flowers be used for medicinal purposes?

Can Delphinium flowers be used for medicinal purposes

Yes, Delphiniums have been used in traditional medicine for centuries.  

This plant can treat a variety of conditions such as intestinal parasites, fluid retention, and diminished appetite. It can also help manage insomnia and induce a state of relaxation.

However, it’s important to note that Delphiniums can be toxic in large quantities and should only be used under the guidance of a qualified healthcare professional.

How can Delphinium flowers be used in gardening and landscaping?

How can Delphinium flowers be used in gardening and landscaping

Delphinium flowers have beautiful striking colors and features that make them a sought-after gem in gardening and landscaping. Here’s how they can be used to elevate the aesthetics of outdoor spaces:

  1. Use them as garden borders: Delphiniums are often used as charming border plants. Their tall, majestic spikes and linear formations are like fancy fence posts that add structure and definition to your garden. 
  1. Use them as focal points: Delphinium flowers can steal the show in your garden. A cluster of these blooms becomes a captivating centerpiece that catches everyone’s attention and makes your garden look and feel fancy. 

Whether positioned at the heart of a flowerbed or as standalone specimens, they create a visual anchor that invites admiration.

  1. Attract pollinators with delphiniums: Bees and butterflies are drawn to Delphiniums’ nectar-rich blossoms, which can contribute to the biodiversity and ecological health of your garden.
  1. Use them for vertical gardening: If you don’t have a lot of space, Delphiniums can grow up tall against a wall or fence. This not only maximizes space but also adds an element of grandeur to smaller yards or urban gardens.