Tod Ali

Tod Ali was born and raised in iconic Brooklyn, New York. He spent his high school and college days in the borough’s hippest neighborhoods, including Carroll Gardens, Cobble Hill, and Green Point. It was in these places where Tod discovered his love for Italian cuisine, cafe design, and obscure book titles. Such interests spurred his dream to put up his own company, completing his degree in business management at Brooklyn College in 2016. With an eye for quaint shops, online systems, and delivery services, Tod started his plant business months after graduation. Today, his lovely shop boasts a broad collection, from houseplants to roof-friendly fares to fresh-cut flowers. Tod shares his passion for the business through writing plant care guides and evaluating other shops, hoping to inspire other people with green thumbs to make money out of their hobbies. When not in front of his computer or iPad, Tod spends his time in his studio writing or recording his original guitar music. He can also be found in his library listening to jazz and classical records or to 70s and 80s bands. If the weather is fair, Tod walks his black cat in nearby parks or meets with friends.